Managing Retrieval Endpoint Tokens

Access tokens are required to authenticate API requests to your RAG pipeline endpoints. This guide explains how to manage access tokens in Vectorize.

Accessing Token Management

There are two ways to access the token management page:

  1. From the main dashboard:

    • Click the gear icon in the bottom left corner

  2. You can alternatively access the token management page from a RAG Pipeline's Connect tab:

    • Click the "Manage access tokens" button

Token Management Page

The token management page displays all active access tokens and allows you to create new ones.

Creating a New Token

  1. Click the "New Access Token" button

  2. In the dialog that appears, enter a name for your token

  3. Select an expiration period from the dropdown menu

Available expiration options are:

  • 1 hour

  • 1 day

  • 7 days

  • 30 days

  • 90 days

  • 1 year

  • Never (not recommended for security reasons)

  1. Click "Create Token"

Viewing and Storing Your Token

After creation, your new token will be displayed once. Make sure to copy and store it securely, as you won't be able to view it again.

Best Practices

  • Use descriptive names for your tokens to easily identify their purpose

  • Set appropriate expiration periods based on your security requirements

  • Rotate tokens regularly to enhance security

  • Never share your tokens publicly or commit them to version control systems

Remember, these tokens provide access to all the RAG pipeline retrieval endpoints in your organization. Treat them with the same level of security as you would passwords.

Last updated