Updating RAG Pipeline Schedules

Follow the steps below to update the schedule for an existing RAG pipeline in Vectorize.

Step 1: Navigate to the RAG Pipelines List

  1. From the RAG Pipelines section in the dashboard, locate the pipeline whose schedule you want to update. In this example, we will update the schedule for the friends-scripts pipeline.

  2. Once you locate the pipeline, click the calendar icon under the "Schedule" column to update its schedule.

Step 2: Edit the Schedule

  1. After clicking the calendar icon, you will be taken to the RAG Pipeline Scheduler page. Here, you can adjust the schedule for when the pipeline should run.

  2. You can choose between two schedule types:

    • Scheduled: Set the pipeline to run on specific days and times, such as weekly or daily.

    • Real-time: Configure the pipeline to run continuously, updating your vector indexes in real time.

  3. For a scheduled pipeline:

    • Select the Schedule Type (e.g., Weekly).

    • Choose the days on which the pipeline should run (e.g., Monday).

    • Set the Duration for how long the pipeline should run.

  4. The current schedule will display the selected day, duration, and approximate monthly hours. Any applicable free hours will also be shown here.

  5. After making your changes, click Save Schedule to apply the updated schedule.

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